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Last updated:112/12/27

Worldwide Collections of Chinese Zodiac Pig Year Stamps

Worldwide Collections of Chinese Zodiac Pig Year Stamps
Dates:2019/05/03 ~ 2020/04/30
Event Location:5F The World of Stamps

The “Pig” is the last symbol of whole 12 Chinese zodiacal symbols that represents wealthy and fully accomplishment for happy ending of 12-years cycle. For this 2019 Pig Year, the Postal Museum assembles and displays collections of Chinese zodiacal pig year stamps from more than 30 countries or regions all around the world. On the concept of “Each piece of stamp could introduce whole universe”, the host sincerely invites all attendants, especially interested in culture and stamps of Chinese Zodiacal Symbols, enjoying on the garden of Pig Year stamps that contains rich and colorful folks with exotic flavors, and appreciating on the displayed objects that embeds superb printing techniques and creative dedicated demonstrations of design masters.